May 31, 2011

Cleaning is like Shedding your old Cocoon!

You don't have to sacrifice the joy of living in a clean, fresh home because you are so busy to clean or simply because you hate doing it.

I believe Life can be Simpler and here is a short cleaning routine you can establish in your own home, making YOUR life simpler (and fresher!)

Print them in small cards and stick it to the inside of your cabinets. All you need is 5 minutes and be ready to enjoy the rewards!

Keep that sink shinny.


You need 4 items:
a.   Broom / Swiffer
b.   Soap
c.    Sponge
d.   Cloth or paper towel

After every meal:

1.   Clean dishes and all utensils used
2.   Put it in dishwasher

After Dinner Time

1.   Clean countertops with soapy sponge
    Dry with a cloth

2.   Clean stovetop with soapy sponge

3.   Wash sink with soapy sponge and rinse

4.   Clean floors with broom.


WEEKLY: Every Sunday

You need 5 items:
a.   Broom
b.   Kitchen spray
c.    Window Spray
d.   Cloth or paper towels
e.   Mop / Swiffer

    1.     Wipe cabinets with kitchen cleaner spray

    2.   Wipe fridge door with kitchen cleaner spray

    3.   Wipe top of fridge

    4.   Clean window with window spray
    5.   Mop floors with soap


Line your ducks in this order

You need 5 items:
f.    Bathroom cleaner
g.   Mop / Swiffer
h.   Shower spray
i.     Sponge for sink and shower
j.    Toilet cleaner
k.   Toilet brush

    1.   Wipe countertop and fixtures with soapy sponge and dry it
    2.   Spray mirror and window with glass spray and dry it
    3.   Wash shower with shower cleaner
    4.   Wash toilet bowl with toilet bowl cleaner
    5.   Mop floors

Everything has a family and an address in your home


    1.   Pick up all loose items from the floor and surfaces and put them in their places


 1.   Take bedding out and wash it
     2.   Dust all surfaces with cloth
     3.   Dust windows sills
     4.   Spray windows with window spray
     5.   Vacuum carpets
     6.   Make bed with fresh linen



Clean with broom (According to Feng Shui your front door should be attractive to anyone walking down the street. Make sure it's always clean, with a small pot of flowers or a healthy plant. Can't use these? Get the nicest doormat you can find, hang a decoration you love on your door!)


    1.   Collect all dirty clothes in a hamper
    2.   Bring hamper to laundry area
    3.   Wash clothes by color or type of cycle
    4.   Dry clothes - grab a drink, go back to work or watch your favorite show.
    5.   Fold clothes when the dryer stops - avoid wrinkles and extra work and energy waste!
    6.   Put them back in storage right away - don't live out of laundry baskets. They are energy drainers, reminding you all you left unfinished.

May 19, 2011

So why would you hire a Professional Organizer?!

Many times when I'm asked what I do for a living, if I just say "I'm a professional organizer", most likely I'll get a face that resembles a question mark.

I then worked on a simple explanation of the benefits my work bring to people's lives and how they will actually enjoy the process. How empowering it is to regain control of our lives and to be able to find balance and pleasure again in spaces - of time and place - where before was only stress and guilt for not having tackled that project or organized the closet.

Being organized allows you to be more relaxed and therefore be more productive. It allows you to be on time, pay in time, plan and execute, generate income and save, because you know what you have. When there are no distractions around you, your mind can think clearer, you can imagine your dream life and create the environment and take the actions to manifest it.

A professional organizer who is in tune with your needs and desires is essential in this process. We are here to listen, learn who you are, so we can help you de-clutter not only your home but also your mind, but most importantly, stay organized, by creating systems that work for you. 

Having a calm space uniquely created for you is vital to your well-being. Your physical, emotional and financial health depends on it. 

Have a wonderful day!

May 17, 2011


I have the privilege to have Andre as a friend. In so many moments of my life he has been a rock for me. For these moments and for the many, many others when he just showers me with his friendship, I'm forever grateful. But, most of all, I owe him the happiness of being so happily married!
For my English speaking friends, I apologize for the lack of translation.
For my Brazilian friends, I hope this letter inspire you, as it did to me, to be more, to be better, to be awesome to our little ones!
Meet: Andre Pinto Facebook page.

Lili e Dedé,
Há quem se arrependa de não ter podido viver a infância e adolescência dos filhos. Eu sou um privilegiado por não ter esse arrependimento.
Sempre vivi intensamente todas as fases desse desenvolvimento, o que sempre me fez agradecer a Deus pela oportunidade única de ser o pai de filhos maravilhosos.
Beijos de boa noite, de borboleta, de passarinho... durmam com os anjos, os peixinhos e os coelhinhos!
Que dançavam nas festas de São João do Colegio Cruzeiro e até no Resumo da Ópera, no Scala ou as vezes  molhados pelo banho de espuma em São Conrado.
Feiras de Ciências da ECO... belas surpresas! Jogos no Maracanã, de Flamengo dos pés a cabeça!
Alianças e culturas...quantas idas e vindas! Balé, futebol de salão, capoeira... que vida maneira!
Não acredito que se fique órfãos dos filhos... eles estão tatuados na alma e vamos juntos com eles para onde se forem, gravados em seu DNA.
Não se livram de nós nem nos livramos deles... que bom!
Grande natureza!
Na idade adulta, que bom sermos parceiros, cúmplices e confidentes. Com a sabedoria que os anos se encarregam de trazer.
Acho que não tenho carinho ocioso ou estocado. Ele brota a todo instante. Sobra. E para os netos...ah! Tenho todo o biotipo de urso carinhoso para aconhegá-los o quanto possa.
Não creio que os netos sejam a última oportunidade de reeditar afeto! Cada gesto de carinho é uma nova edição. Revista e melhorada...
Meu afeto não tem fim, nem meu carinho também!
E vocês tem o meu amor irrestrito, incondicional, infinito...
Um beijo com todo o meu carinho.

Texto de Affonso Romano de Santana.
Há um período em que os pais vão ficando órfãos dos próprios filhos.

É que as crianças  crescem. Independentes de nós, como árvores, tagarelas e pássaros estabanados, elas crescem sem pedir licença. Crescem como a inflação, independente do governo e da vontade popular. Entre os estupros dos preços, os disparos dos discursos e o assalto das estações, elas crescem com uma estridência alegre e, às vezes, com alardeada arrogância.

Mas não crescem todos os dias, de igual maneira; crescem, de repente.

Um dia se assentam perto de você no terraço e dizem uma frase de tal maturidade que você sente que não pode mais trocar as fraldas daquela criatura.

Onde e como andou crescendo aquela danadinha que você não percebeu? Cadê aquele cheirinho de leite sobre a pele? Cadê a pazinha de brincar na areia, as festinhas de aniversário com palhaços, amiguinhos e o primeiro uniforme do maternal?

Ela está crescendo num ritual de obediência orgânica e desobediência civil. E você está agora ali, na porta da discoteca, esperando que ela não apenas cresça, mas apareça. Ali estão muitos pais, ao volante, esperando que saiam esfuziantes sobre patins, cabelos soltos sobre as ancas. Essas são as nossas filhas, em pleno cio, lindas potrancas.

Entre hambúrgueres e refrigerantes nas esquinas, lá estão elasuniforme de sua geração: incômodas mochilas da moda nos ombros ou, então com a suéter amarrada na cintura. Está quente, a gente diz que vão estragar a suéter, mas não tem jeito, é o emblema da geração.

Pois ali estamos, depois do primeiro e do segundo casamento, com essa barba de jovem executivo ou intelectual em ascensão, as mães, às vezes, já com a primeira plástica e o casamento recomposto. Essas são as filhas que conseguimos gerar e amar, apesar dos golpes dos ventos, das colheitas, das notícias e da ditadura das horas. E elas crescem meio amestradas, vendo como redigimos nossas teses e nos doutoramos nos nossos erros.

Há um período em que os pais vão ficando órfãos dos próprios filhos.

Longe já vai o momento em que o primeiro mênstruo foi recebido como um impacto de rosas vermelhas. Não mais as colheremos nas portas das discotecas e festas, quando surgiam entre gírias e canções. Passou o tempo do balé, da cultura francesa e inglesa. Saíram do banco de trás e passaram  para o volante de suas próprias vidas. Só nos resta   dizer “bonne route, bonne route”, como naquela canção francesa narrando a emoção do pai quando a filha oferece o primeiro jantar no apartamento dela.

Deveríamos ter ido mais  vezes à cama delas ao anoitecer para ouvir  sua alma respirando conversas e confidências entre os lençóis da infância, e os adolescentes cobertores daquele quarto cheio de colagens, posteres e agendas coloridas de pilô. Não, não as levamos suficientemente ao maldito “drive-in”, ao Tablado para ver “Pluft”, não lhes demos suficientes hambúrgueres e cocas, não lhes compramos todos os sorvetes e roupas merecidas.

Elas cresceram sem que esgotássemos nelas todo o nosso afeto. 

No princípio  subiam a serra ou iam à casa de  praia entre embrulhos, comidas, engarrafamentos, natais, páscoas, piscinas e amiguinhas. Sim, havia as brigas dentro do carro, a disputa pela janela, os pedidos de sorvetes e sanduíches infantis. Depois chegou a idade em que subir para a casa de campo  com os pais começou a ser um esforço, um sofrimento, pois era impossível deixar a turma aqui na praia e os primeiros namorados. Esse exílio  dos pais, esse divórcio dos filhos, vai durar sete anos bíblicos. Agora é hora de os pais na montanha  terem a solidão que queriam, mas, de repente, exalarem contagiosa saudade daquelas pestes.

O jeito é esperar. Qualquer hora podem nos dar netos. O neto é a hora do carinho ocioso e estocado, não exercido nos próprios filhos e que não pode morrer conosco. Por isso, os avós são tão desmesurados e distribuem tão incontrolável afeição. Os netos são a última oportunidade de reeditar o nosso afeto.

Por isso, é necessário fazer alguma coisa a mais, antes que elas cresçam.

May 16, 2011

Social Media. Nothing like great teachers!

Just got out of MomitForward chatroom and got some great advice on Social Media. Check the links below for how to jump on the bandwagon and not fall from it!

But remember. We're supposed to have fun with it! 

Have a great day!

Twitter 201
Publish Post

May 15, 2011

A Case for the Suitcase!

We all have them and they are so useful when we need them, so let's give them some TLC and get them ready for the fun every summer brings!

Most of us come home from our trips so tired and with our minds already spinning on what needs to be done, what was left unfinished, that all we do is to get our belongings out and store the poor suitcases back in the black whole of basements, storage rooms and garages.

True that luggage these days can be inexpensive, but that's no reason to be careless, after all we want them to last as long as possible. And, if you are a lucky one who uses high quality, brand suitcases, one more reason to take care of them.

Now, go to your storage area, pull your suitcases out and open them, one by one. Check for "leftovers" - you might even find some special memories from your last trips in here! Check for spills, damaged wheels and handles, torn fabric and check if they're still safe to tote your cute outfits and treasured finding from your next trip around the globe. If you have travel accessories, like clothing organizers, totes and toiletries, bottles for your cosmetics check if they are clean and ready to go.

Now that you have accessed everything, make a list of what you need to do or if anything needs replacement, plan your budget for it. It may be a simple cleanup inside the luggage or a full wash of a toiletry bag with spills. Just bring the item to your laundry area and when you run another load, make sure it goes in.

If your suitcases are damaged, you may need to replace it. Don't fret! This is a great time to look into department and specialty stores, when they are running sales on travel gear or just bringing out their last collections.

Have fun, plan a nice vacation and stroll that suitcase around like a pro!

Wishing you a great week!

Helena - A Personal Organizer.

May 13, 2011

It's moving time for the Alkhas!

The Alkhas are moving again!

So, after truly believing I was settled in the same State or country for life, I just recently received the news that once again, we will be relocating.It may have been wishful thinking, after all I LOVED life in MD. I had such a wonderful time here, I truly did.

I really embraced the seasons, I adapted my cooking to help ease the transitions, I had great friends to spend good girlfriend time and to support me, I played tennis with the most fun “girls” I could have met and the nicest coach I could have, I met wonderful women and professionals at the NAPO-DC chapter and in the Professional Organizing industry, but most of all I enjoyed deeply to take care of my family and our home. And of course, I had a lot of fun!

Not that life wasn’t busy. It was very busy. Addie’s schedule kept him working for longer hours you’d believe, we always had guests – my good friend Joon says I should post a B&B sign on our door! - the kids were all so young, and of course their activities kept me driving everywhere.

But now it’s time to move and I believe this is such a powerful practice of letting go, of accepting what life brings us and of being open to the many, great opportunities that will come with it. So, yes, I’ll miss Maryland, but I know I that the greatest time is yet to come!

Now, I’m planning the move and a road trip to sunny San Diego, CA and I will keep you posted. Also, share with me your experiences on your travel with kids by car. Did you survive!? :-)

Now it’s the perfect time to just enjoy it, because,
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

May 8, 2011

Giving our bathrooms some TLC!

I hope that by now you are already enjoying closets that are more functional, practical and that have room to welcome those nice summer dresses you have been flirting with.

Today we’ll tackle the bathrooms! Those spaces many times overlooked, that get as much action as our beloved kitchens. And it will fast and easy!

Make yourself comfortable in front of your cabinets and pull out everything that is stored in there.
Take a look at each of your products and check for the expiration date. If you find something that you haven’t used in the last year, most likely you won’t use it in the next one, so be honest and throw it away. Also discard all products that have expired and put aside medication that are not in use anymore as well as past due date.

Now that you have been through all your products, look for what you have and see if you could organize it in small containers, creating groups like: face, body, hair, make-up, first-aid, hair accessories and anything else you find that can help you organize your products.

If you have girls, you know the amount of hair accessories you have there. Great containers for these items are the Snapware, stackable ones, with snaps on the sides and one lid on the top. You can organize them by type, by color or by owner and they will always stay neat inside, without spill overs in the cabinets.

In the past we were told to flush all expired or unused drugs in the toilet and down the drain; however contamination in the water supplies have changed the guidelines issued by the EPA, Dept. of Health and Human Services and other agencies for the procedures on how to discard these items. In this case:
-       Don’t flush drugs in the toilet unless the information that came with it advises to do so.
-       When discarding both prescription and non-prescription medication first crush pills and dilute liquid medication, then mix them with coffee ground, dirt, kitty litter and place it in closed plastic bag before discarding it.
-       Make sure to remove all the personal information from the containers.
-       Look for places in your community that would collect the expired medications. From time to time, large pharmacy chains hold campaigns for that purpose.
-       Your pharmacist is a great source of information, in case you still unsure about what to do with your expired medication

Now, off to the towels! Do the same with your towels and check for the ones that have spots, holes or that are just so old that you can see through it. Set them aside and if they are in “dignity condition”, put them in your car for donation, if they are just too old, use them as rags for cleaning.

Look around your bathrooms and see if you need to remove anything, like a painting which frame got damaged, a mirror that is broken, and a curtain that has seen better days and clean up.

Give yourself a treat and make your bathroom look like a spa. Put a glass jar filled with your favorite soaps on you counter or a candle with your favorite scent and your space is now clean and organized, your self-care time will be so much pleasant!

And remember, when it comes to counter tops, less is more!

May 6, 2011

Have fun & Create Memories for a lifetime!

This Mother's Day surprise Mom with a portrait of the whole family with a Professional Photographer.
Go see Barbara Glaeser's website for wonderful ideas and high quality work. 
Gift certificates are available.

Call her and you will get a special gift when you mention Helena - A Personal Organizer.


May 5, 2011

Mother's Day Portrait with MOM!

This Mother's Day surprise Mom with photo shoot with a Professional Photographer.
Go see Barbara Glaeser Photography website for wonderful ideas.
Call her and you will get a discount when you mention Helena - A Personal Organizer.

May 1, 2011

Month Planning Day

Here is a posting that can help you plan the month ahead with you family and personal schedule in mind.
I hope you are enjoying your summer days and that some unscheduled time is allowed for relaxation, meditation and all the love from family and friends to flow into your life!
Have a wonderful day!

Helena - A Personal Organizer

                                ____________ *** ______________

All beginnings are filled with great energy and even greater possibilities. We never know what life will bring or how the days will unfold, all is possible. However, not having any idea of how the days or weeks ahead will be, can become the cause of anxiety, miscommunication, late fees and lack of time for what really matters in our lives: our physical and emotional health, our family and friends.

With that in mind, I thought it would be quite appropriate to write my Sunday posting on Month Planning Day, as I enjoy some of the popcorn I made for the kids!

Month Planning Day should ideally happen on the first day of the month, simply because it will be an easy reminder for you. This will give you a long-term idea of what is to come, how far you need to plan ahead, what resources and materials you need to buy or schedule and best of all, when you will have free time for yourself and for your loved ones.

For this planning I suggest that you have with you:
-          Your personal calendar
-          Your spouse’s calendar
-          Your family calendar, if you use one.

I use a calendar that has a 2 page “month at a glance” space where I write down all the appointments, events and deadlines I need to fulfill in the following month.
It also has enough space to write my
1. Appointments,
2. A Task List and
3. Daily Notes.

Find one that fits you the best. There’s really no ideal calendar, one-size-fits-all. Electronic or paper, it has to fit your needs!

Now that you are ready, go through your notes, all those pieces of paper you have scattered around the house, close to the phone or in your purse and go through them, one by one, putting down on your calendar the appointment that was made, the phone call you’ll have to return or that deadline you have coming up.

Using the information of your spouse’s calendar, fill in – I use a different color for my husband’s schedule – any information that is relevant for your family schedule, like “dinner on 05/18”. Knowing when you can count on your spouse for dinner, kids pick up or drop off has a direct impact on your planning – and your sanity!

Next, enter all the kids’ classes, practice time, appointments, school exams, play dates and parties. If it’s easier for you, use different colors here too.

Now that you have everybody listed on your calendar, you can already see when the days are going to be tight in time – and therefore require a more flexible dinner, homework, house chores schedule and the days you will actually have time to do the laundry, enjoy your family sitting around the table or even your favorite TV show.

I also like to include in my planning my household chores. I like to know that the kids won’t be living out of laundry baskets or that there won’t be dinner because I didn’t shop for the week. So, checking on your already planned calendar, look in what day of the week you could include your laundry and your grocery shopping. I know many moms like to cook some of the week dinners on Sunday and freeze them or that prepare double batches and freeze one (my personal favorite). This is a great solution if you work out of the house or if you spend your afternoons driving the kids to their practices – or in my case, both. Nothing better than getting home knowing you are ready for dinner!

Plan your meals ahead, make a list of what you need and while you are at it, check your pantry. You will have accomplished 2 great things:
-          A month’s worth of peace of mind, because you know what’s coming.
-          A list of dinners for the following weeks and
-          The grocery list of all you need to feed your kids hungry tummies!

Finally, if you use a family calendar (like the kitchen one), put down all the main events you marked in yours. This will give you a source of information, when you are answering the phone, while cooking and need to give an answer there and now.

Now go ahead and give yourself a round of applause. You are a mom, a hero and you should be proud of yourself!

Life is Simpler when you are prepared.

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Personal Organizer, also known as Helena Alkhas operates her business in Silver Spring, MD. She is a Professional Organizer, mother of 3 happy boys, wife of a busy brilliant husband. Helena has learned to be organized so she could enjoy life!
In 10 years, she has moved around the globe 6 times with her family. She has lived in 4 continents, speaks 5 languages, loves what she does and enjoys working with people no matter where they are in life.
You can find more about Helena on; share your thoughts right here or email her at
She will greatly appreciate it.
Have a wonderful day!