Helena, A Personal Organizer is dedicated to promote well-being to individuals through de-cluttering and organizing, creating healthy, functional and attractive spaces where they can thrive and grow. Life is busy and demanding. How can you feel your best, embracing who you are and stay on control? By being – and staying – organized. Life can be Simpler.
April 28, 2011
It's clean up time! How does it go in your house?
Avoid confusion in the bathroom and make self-care time a breeze!
Assign each child a color for toothbrushes and towels.
This is my kids dental care container. It may not always stay perfectly organized, but it teaches them that everything has a home.
You are planting seeds, they will harvest in the future!
Have a wonderful day!
Assign each child a color for toothbrushes and towels.
This is my kids dental care container. It may not always stay perfectly organized, but it teaches them that everything has a home.
You are planting seeds, they will harvest in the future!
Have a wonderful day!
April 25, 2011
A Time of Renovation & Generosity.
After so many months indoors, it finally comes the time of the year when I feel most motivated to go through every single room of the house and do a top-to-bottom, good clean up, making it ready to open the doors to let this new time come in.
So, let’s embrace this moment of renovation, when Nature is generously providing for us and set on a journey for a great soul cleansing experience. We’ll go on small steps and next thing you know, your house will be de-cluttered, organized and you’ll be so proud of yourself.
I hope you enjoy these little tasks this week and now that you are at it, go through your kids closets and do the same there. I'll help you through the next rooms in our next blog.
If your youngest child has outgrown his/her shoes & clothes, it’s a great opportunity to recycle them, giving it to someone who can make good use of it or hold a great garage sales with your kids.
And if you have shoes to spare, donate or that you don’t care for anymore, please, contact me. NAPO has partnered with Soles4Souls® and Professional Organizer around the country are working together to bring shoes to those in need.
Always grateful and wishing you a wonderful day!
It’s warmer and it feels like Spring is officially here. We are back from Spring break; life is taking a new rhythm.
After so many months indoors, it finally comes the time of the year when I feel most motivated to go through every single room of the house and do a top-to-bottom, good clean up, making it ready to open the doors to let this new time come in.
So, let’s embrace this moment of renovation, when Nature is generously providing for us and set on a journey for a great soul cleansing experience. We’ll go on small steps and next thing you know, your house will be de-cluttered, organized and you’ll be so proud of yourself.
- Bring out your sweaters, heavy pants, and jackets and make an inspection to see what needs to be washed or dry cleaned before you put it away until Fall comes around again. Don’t feel tempted to skip this part and you won’t regret the small investment of time or money taking care of your winter favorites. Storing them without care is the easiest way to invite moths to ruin your clothes.
- Store your coats in garment bags. Moths can’t make through them and it will protect your toasty ones for years to come.
- If you store your winter items out of your closet, make sure the drawers, chest, containers they’ll be in for the next months are clean and dry.
- Avoid using mothballs. They smell terribly and are unhealthy for you and unsafe for kids. Instead, use cedar balls or herbal sachets.
- Now that you made some room, give your closet a cleanup! After months of use, dust is sure to settle. So, if you don’t do it on a regular basis, this is a great time to start. Dust and vacuum every corner and your clothes will be happier!
- Shoes & Boots – Clean these hard working friends from all the salt, dirt and mud, and they will be ready for you when your feet start begging for some higher indoor temperatures again.
- They kept you warm and pretty during winter; now put your gloves, scarves and hats to rest. Clean and store them in plastic bags, containers and you’ll have new room in the closet again.
- Linen – Get your heavy comforters and favorite blankets and take them to the dry-cleaner. It is a small investment when compared to the price of a new one.
If your youngest child has outgrown his/her shoes & clothes, it’s a great opportunity to recycle them, giving it to someone who can make good use of it or hold a great garage sales with your kids.
And if you have shoes to spare, donate or that you don’t care for anymore, please, contact me. NAPO has partnered with Soles4Souls® and Professional Organizer around the country are working together to bring shoes to those in need.
Soles4Souls® is a shoe charity that collects gently worn shoes and monies to provide shoes to those in need. The donation of shoes gives someone the hope for a better tomorrow. Donating shoes to Soles4Souls shoe charity is a great way to recycle shoes. Donate shoes today.
Want an even easier way to help? Just go to the link below and "like" the Northside USA Facebook page and they will donate one pair of shoes to Soles4Souls! Can't get easier than that!
Want an even easier way to help? Just go to the link below and "like" the Northside USA Facebook page and they will donate one pair of shoes to Soles4Souls! Can't get easier than that!
Always grateful and wishing you a wonderful day!
A Personal Organizer.
April 19, 2011
April 15, 2011
So you have a nest? Your First Space
Having our first place it’s a wonderful moment of accomplishment and also one of doubts on how to make things work, so let me give you an upper hand with tips on the practical side of life, so you don’t trip on your clothes while looking for your keys on your way out the door for the big day!
Whether you have just moved in or you’re already in place, you want to make sure your space is working to your advantage. So, let’s stop and make a quick plan on how you can use your space. Think of your routines and you’ll see you need a place to:
Get in and get out: make sure you have a place for your things as you walk in and you won’t spend a minute looking for them on your way out!
Most of us don’t like to carry the purse, bags, files, keys all the way into to their proper places and they end up on a pile somewhere. So, unless you are super disciplined you’ll end up losing time later, looking for all the things you “lost” on your way in. Have a beautiful bowl or small container for your keys, wallet, and sunglasses at the entry. A hook for your purse and a place to sit and protect your “toesies”, really it’s all you need here.
Looking good before you head out – If you spent time and money shopping for your beautiful clothes, shoes and accessories, now it’s time to honor your investment by organizing your closet in a way that helps you find what you want and never feel you spent so much and still don’t have anything to wear. Organize your garments by type and then by color. We all like friends, so do your pants! If possible, spend some time on a weekend and “edit” your outfits, call a friend if you want and then write them down or make photos with your phone, this way morning time will be a breeze.
Create the habit of putting your clothes away or into the laundry bag as soon as you change and you won’t have to spend your precious weekend hours doing this chore.
Feed your tummy & your cravings – Like for most things in life, to eat healthy and on a budget, you will need a plan. Otherwise, you will be hungry and most likely will jump in a bowl of junk food. Not good for your health, your pocket or the glow of your skin! A 20 minute investment before starting the week to plan what you’ll have for dinner will save you time and money. Make a quick list of the foods you like and plan for about 4 meals. These are 2 great websites I find very easy to use: Everyday Food and How to Cook Everything. If you are vegetarian, my favorites are again, Mark Bittman’s book and Anna Thomas’ Love Soup
And believe me, if I can cook, so can you!
Feed your brain & your Twitter feeds: You want a spot in your place to be home for your work, books and all your documents, bills, policies, warranties and all the things related to your living. You may want to start with a small file box or a file drawer, but you should have a system in place to be organized. Here are a few categories you should have in mind: Personal, Professional, Finances. Choose files you like and you’ll enjoy creating your own system. You can look for systems like Joys or file in a box, to give you a frame to work with. Plus, you’re just starting; it will be quick and simple!
Create enough space to store your papers, magazines, books exploring the heights of your walls. Tall bookshelves will make use of otherwise unused space and you’ll have plenty of space on your desk or table to sit and work.
Make your space clean: well, long are gone the days your mom was the one responsible for the care of your home, now, really, it is on you and I’m sure that like most people, you too will enjoy a fresh and clean house.
I like to use small baskets with all I need to keep my home in shape and I use good on the eyes ones, so I don’t have to hide them. Here is what you need:
§ multipurpose surface cleaner
§ oven cleaner
§ sponge & towels
§ shower, tub & tile cleaner
§ toilet bowl cleaner
§ glass cleaner
§ wipes
Around the house:§ duster ( I love the microfiber Fuzzi Mitten @ The Container Store)
§ Dust pan & broom
§ Vacuum cleaner
My favorite brands, because they deliver and I don’t have to wear a mask to use them are: Mrs. Meyers, Seventh Generation and Clean, from Martha Stewart.
Make a list of all the products you need in the house, from tooth-paste and toilet paper to laundry detergent, print it and keep it handy. As you need more of them, just mark it and you’re ready for your weekly shopping trip.
I hope this will help you feel on control and make your daily routine a little easier on you. I truly believe when things are in place, you have more time for what you really love, or at least the time to find out what tickles your soul!
I wish you a wonderful day!
Helena, A Personal Organizer.
being organized,
first home,
new home,
April 13, 2011
Tips on Moving with Kids
Let’s face it; most of us aren’t comfortable with changes. So, imagine how scary it can be for our little ones to leave the place, friends and school they have known for their whole life as home.
As military spouse, professional organizer and mother of 3 young boys we have moved around the globe and lived between US coasts in the last 8 years, so I know first-hand how anxious children can feel when we first tell them that we will be soon calling a new place home.
So here are some of the tips I’ve learned to take out of the magic, ever inspiring and trustful mom-hat:
- Be upfront: As soon as you have a confirmation of your relocation (place and time), tell your children about it. This will give everyone plenty of time to absorb the idea, process it and make plans for the transition.
- Wear kids’ glasses: Before talking to them, take a look of what your new location has to offer to children, which would attract your kids’ attention. I personally like to put a “tourist” package together with all the parks, museums, hiking spots and nature related activities.
- Cater to their interests: If your child, for example, is a boy scout, make sure you contact their chapter in your new town, introduce yourself and get their information. The same goes for swim teams, chess clubs, art classes or any other area of interest of your children.
- School: since the school is the most important place of social activity for children, make sure you research your new area through a reliable website. I personally find Scholldigger.com my forever trustful source. I also make sure to contact the schools ahead and plan a tour.
- New nest: For many families, moving equals “downsizing” and that means siblings may have to share rooms, or that the children will have to part from their belongings. Again, be upfront about it and plan a day when you’ll help them do the sorting of their toys, clothes and books. Arrange to go with them to your family favorite charity and this way they can feel better, knowing someone in need will make good use of what they’re sharing.
- Saying good-byes: When you learn you’ll be moving, contact your children’s teachers, coaches and caregivers. Making sure they know about your move will help create a net of supporting people for you and the children. Ask them if it’s possible to organize a farewell party, which can be as simple as juices and home-made cupcakes for your children’s classmates. Make pictures and allow your children to make an album as a keepsake.
- Address book: even young ones will enjoy feeling connected by knowing their friends addresses and emails, of course! It may come down that they’ll never send their friends a holiday card, but you’ll empower them in the transition.
- Packing time: allow your little ones to help you pack their belongings and to pack a backpack with their favorite items to take with them on the trip. Also, remind them to include games, books and some coloring supplies for the trip. Whether you’re driving or flying, believe me, you’ll need them!
- Allow room for tears: It’s a given that they will come, so just accept them and give room for everyone to grieve the separation. It’s part of the change.
- Embrace it: Keep your cool, trust your heart and always move forward! Kids pick up on our anxieties so, make an effort to embrace the change and they will follow. Now, give your best and just go for it with all your heart. I have never regretted doing so.
moving with family,
moving with kids,
new home
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