May 13, 2011

It's moving time for the Alkhas!

The Alkhas are moving again!

So, after truly believing I was settled in the same State or country for life, I just recently received the news that once again, we will be relocating.It may have been wishful thinking, after all I LOVED life in MD. I had such a wonderful time here, I truly did.

I really embraced the seasons, I adapted my cooking to help ease the transitions, I had great friends to spend good girlfriend time and to support me, I played tennis with the most fun “girls” I could have met and the nicest coach I could have, I met wonderful women and professionals at the NAPO-DC chapter and in the Professional Organizing industry, but most of all I enjoyed deeply to take care of my family and our home. And of course, I had a lot of fun!

Not that life wasn’t busy. It was very busy. Addie’s schedule kept him working for longer hours you’d believe, we always had guests – my good friend Joon says I should post a B&B sign on our door! - the kids were all so young, and of course their activities kept me driving everywhere.

But now it’s time to move and I believe this is such a powerful practice of letting go, of accepting what life brings us and of being open to the many, great opportunities that will come with it. So, yes, I’ll miss Maryland, but I know I that the greatest time is yet to come!

Now, I’m planning the move and a road trip to sunny San Diego, CA and I will keep you posted. Also, share with me your experiences on your travel with kids by car. Did you survive!? :-)

Now it’s the perfect time to just enjoy it, because,
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.
(Eleanor Roosevelt)


  1. I can't even imagine what that would be like. My last two moves were only about 2 miles each, and I've lived in the same province for my entire life!

  2. Hi, Janet! I have been moving for so many years now, that I DO GET BORED when I'm put for about 8 months or so. I learned that we can do well anywhere, but here is my "secret weapon": health, love at home and very good girlfriends! With a good friend you can do anything! :-) I'm looking forward to blog on the move and on the trip. I was already going through Spring cleaning, so now is just to move ahead.


Hi and thank you for coming by and I will love to hear your thoughts and comments. Thank you!